1. Define Post-Modernism using 8-10 bullet points that include short quotes.
Post-Modernism is:
· “open, unbounded, and concerned with process and “becoming” Witcombe (2000)
· The ideas derived from Modernism were unjustifying and inflicting. “Modernism has played itself out and is now floundering and directionless” Witcombe (2000) which therefore marked the beginning of post-modernity at the latter half of the 20th century.
· “For some it means anti-modern; for others it means the revision of modernist premises.”
(Witcombe 2000)
· Deconstructive Modernism:
The principle and beliefs of Modernism are cast aside:
“it seems to destroy or eliminate the ingredients that are believed necessary for a world-view, such as God, self, purpose, meaning, a real world and truth” (Witcombe 2000)
Or nihilistic.
· Constructive Modernism:
Attempts to remove all pre-existing borders that withhold the fundamentals of modernism. Seeking “to recover truths and values from various forms of premodern thought and practice”. Unifying “scientific, ethical, aesthetic, and religious intuitions”.Witcombe (2000)
· Minouru Yamasaki, Pruitt-Igoe Housing Estate, St Louis 1950-54 proved that “social design requires an understanding of social context” Crouch(1999)
· Postmodernism was playful, where as modernism was about purpose and coming to a conclusion.
· There was a return of optimism after many wars and revolutions
2. Use a quote by Witcombe (2000) to define the Post-Modern artist.
“The post-modern artist is “reflexive” in that he/she is self-aware and consciously involved in a process of thinking about him/herself and society in a deconstructive manner, “demasking”
pretensions, becoming aware of his/her cultural self in history, and accelerating the process of self-consciousness.”
3. Use the grid on pages 42 and 43 to summarize the list of the features of Post-Modernity.
Postmodernism challenges the fundamentals of modernity. The post modernist artist plays with ideas to make a statement based on own opinion and beliefs rather than in relation to context. There is a balance between pop culture and high culture paving the way for social and cultural pluralism, hyper-reality and intertextuality.
4. Use this summary to answer the next two questions.
5. Research Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's 'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994)
in order to say what features of the work are Post-Modern.
4. Use this summary to answer the next two questions.
5. Research Chinese artist Ai Weiwei's 'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo'(1994)
in order to say what features of the work are Post-Modern.
Ai Wei Wei is one of the most highly recognised and influential avant-garde artist. Ai Wei Wei is known for his installations, sculptures using historical pieces and found objects and sensual photographs. On first appearances you can see how Ai Wei Wei has made a statement based on own opinion and beliefs. As a member of “The Stars” the Coco Cola label makes a mockery of the Chinese government. A country that is based on tradition and values opposed to western ways of living circum when it comes too money, represented by the coco cola label. Thus showing just how despotic pop culture is over high culture. There is playfulness about the work labelling an ancient artefact with a internationally known brand.
6. Research British artist Banksy's street art, and analyze the following two works by the artist to discuss how each work can be defined at Post-Modern.(Use your list from point 6.)
Banksy is an England based artist who uses various different media from graffiti, film and paint. Like Ai Wei Wei Banksy is also a political activist. Banksy’s “Flower Riot” can be seen as postmodern in the aspect the artist is voicing his own opinion. In relation to society today we are seeing allot of widespread looting, rioting and arson in cities and towns in England due to a rise in prices of goods that lower class people can’t afford. Banksy has taken the seriousness away from the piece by placing a bunch of flowers in the hand of the man thus creating humour. There seem to be attributes of hyper-reality. This stencil image is a depiction of what we see on TV a man wearing a bandana, hat and baggy clothing therefore making the image more powerful.
Banksy (n.d). Retrieved July 31st, 2011. from
Ai Wei Wei (n.d). Retrieved July 31st, 2011. from
Amir, S. (2008, October 24). Writing is on the wall for banksy's west end mural; Art attack: a council order to remove this Banksy work near Oxford Circus has started a row over who owns the wall, The Evening Standard, (n.p)
Banksy (n.d). Retrieved July 31st, 2011. from
Ai Wei Wei (n.d). Retrieved July 31st, 2011. from
Amir, S. (2008, October 24). Writing is on the wall for banksy's west end mural; Art attack: a council order to remove this Banksy work near Oxford Circus has started a row over who owns the wall, The Evening Standard, (n.p)