1. Hyper-real is "involving or characterized by particularly realistic graphic representation". An example of hyper realism can be seen in the work of Ron Mueck titled”Mother and baby' completed in 2001. In the above picture we can see a new born infant scrunched up in a ball lying on the stomach of the mother seconds after child birth. With her head slightly raised the new mother gazes at her baby with devotion, accomplishment and indescribable and an immeasurable amount of love. What makes this sculpture hyper-real is the how life-like this and many of Mueck's sculptures are. The colour of the skin, the droplets of sweat which can be seen from the pores of the face dripping down to the hair, the vernix caeosa and pointed head. As someone who has viewed Mueck's work for the first time it makes you appreciate the human body in all its glory it is the most beautiful piece of art work there is. When I look at Mueck's work he has captured moments in life that we take for granted.
2. " I never made life-size figure because it never seemed to be interesting. We meet life-size people everyday. It makes you take notice in a way that you wouldn't do with something that's just normal".
Two works that use scale that are larger than life are "Big Man' completed in 2000 and "Pregnant Woman" completed in 2002. Measuring at eight feet high "Big Man" was Mueck's first time working with a live model.
By looking at Mueck's work we can see a man bent over slightly knees raised to his chest one arm laying across his body supporting the arm that has his head resting on, whilst he is deep in thought.
As a result you too are trapped in the moment of deciphering what he is truly thinking. Where at the time “I glanced over at him in the corner waiting for me to make my mind up". In comparison with "Pregnant Woman"
The fibre glass, resin, silicone sculpture which is twice the height has arms raised crossing over one another. Almost as if she is protecting both herself and her unborn child. This naked closed eyed figure displays all the symptoms fatigue, swollen tender breast and nausea. Telling of the story of motherhood.
3. To define Renaissance Humanism one must first define humanism itself. Humanism is “a system of thought that considers human beings rather than the church, as able to decide their own morals, truths and behaviours. As a result, scholars in the Renaissance began to study the books, poetry, grammar and histories of classical (Greek and Roman) authors, rather than being forced to study those of the church. Similarly people began collecting and studying the art of classical Greek and Rome.
"Wild Man" completed in 2005
A naked hairy figure, his hands gripping to the stool with terror in his eyes.
By looking closely at this sculpture we can then apply it to Renaissance Humanism. Mueck's work tells the story of a man and his emotions of extreme anxiety, vulnerability and fear. Our first initial feeling is sympathy because we can relate. In all of Mueck's sculptures we see the portrayal of his "own morals, truth's and behaviours".
"Woman with sticks" completed in 2008
Looking at this piece for the first time I found this piece quite challenging as to what it means. Listening to an audio by Ron Mckay discussing Ron Mueck's woman with sticks. At the start of the audio there seems to be allot of drama and debate around whether or not this sculpture has a relationship between people in the third world. He then goes onto to explain that maybe Mueck is trying portraying the feeling of being out of place and feeling uncomfortable. I would have to agree to me this sculpture evokes the burdens of life we all carry. The woman is smaller in scale with more emphasis on the sticks that are larger than her. She’s naked why is that? That's what makes this piece open to interpretation and quite puzzling.
Academic Literacy’s in visual communication 1- Resource Book
Ron Mueck's play with sculpture is very iconic. He merges real-life humans with sculpture, the merge is amazing as he goes down to every detail including pours and dweat drips. His work is utterlly amazing. It great how he used real life humans to make his work come to life. The sculpture with the mother and child could probably relate to a mother as they have been through that type of experience and would be glad to see a sculpture that shows a mothers connection with her very child she breeded for nine months. By showing the structure and posture of these sculptures shows what everyone possesses and how they look after themselves. his work is way beyond greatness and should go down in history and his work should be passed on through many generations :)